星巴克重慶門市 ─ 仿巴洛克式的藝文空間 2012/03/22

獲得「2006台北市都市彩妝運動方案」整建維護/更新類私有建築物金獎的星巴克重慶門市,是統一星巴克公司在台成立 8 週年之形象門市,也是一個最有藝術氣息的門市。

門市位於重慶南路與衡陽路交叉口,是日據時代末期約 1956 年時,由幾位台灣商人興建而成。當時二層樓的半圓弧建築,由目前屋主購得後,將其拆建成三層共 100 坪之鋼筋混凝土與木造構造,而建築物外觀則承襲自日治晚期簡約的仿巴洛克風格,有著挑高的裝飾性窗框與羅馬式拱型迴廊。


                                                                    (via http://www.uro.taipei.gov.tw/)                                                                                             改造前的外牆上瓷磚及窗框均破舊不堪,而且牆面上懸掛了許多廣告招牌及雜亂的管線。






星巴克重慶門市,再次展現 Starbucks 這個全球化咖啡連鎖店,因地制宜,在全球化與地方化之間,融入當地人文景觀的努力。

p.s. Starbucks Store Design Concept: (http://www.starbucks.com/coffeehouse/store-design)                                                                                                                                              We believe a coffeehouse should be a place to find connection. We believe it should fit seamlessly within its neighborhood. And we believe its environmental impact should be as minimal as possible. So our designs reflect the character of a store’s surrounding neighborhood and help reduce environmental impacts.                                                             As our stores are built and renovated, we will source materials and employ craftsmen on a local basis and incorporate reused and recycled elements where possible. To guide our efforts, we’re using the U.S. Green Building Council’s LEED® certification program as a benchmark for success. (LEED® is short for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design.) We aim to achieve LEED® certification globally for all new, company-owned stores beginning in late 2010.

Each new and renovated store uses one of four design concepts—                           Heritage coffeehouses reflect the mercantile roots of our first store in Seattle’s historic Pike Place Market with worn wood, stained concrete or tile floors, metal stools and factory-inspired lighting. Large community tables, club chairs and wood blinds evoke a turn-of-the-last-century feeling.                                                                                                      Artisan stores echo the industrial past of urban markets, taking inspiration from the Modernism of the 1930s. This motif celebrates simple materials like exposed steel beams, masonry walls, factory casement glass and hand-polished woodwork in a creative gathering place for culture and the arts.                                                                                           Regional Modern embodies a trend-setting style that is comfortable and welcoming. We use bright, loft-like, light-filled spaces punctuated with regionally inspired furniture and culturally relevant fabrics to create a calm and contemporary respite from the clamor of the fast-paced world.                                                                                                          Concept stores are unique environments created by our designers to explore innovations within the coffeehouse. We call them our “design sandboxes.” That sense of exploration is extended to everyone who visits, through daily coffee and tea cuppings, artistic events and community gatherings.

本篇發表於 咖啡館逗留。將永久鏈結加入書籤。
